H.O.M. provides a full range of sales and armory services.
Fencers from beginners dipping their toes in the water at their first tournament to experienced competitors en route to a World Cup can be outfitted from head to toe, from cord to weapon, from regular level gear to FIE. We also sell scoring gear, from reel to box.
Armory diagnosis and repair, all three weapons, body cord, floor cords, floor reels, and in limited cases, scoring boxes.
Rates: $25 + parts for rewires. $10 + parts for minor repairs (repairing body cords, for ex). $25 + parts for more major repair work (like recabling a reel).
Armory experience since 2001:
Official armorer: San Bernardino Division / Southern California Scholastic Fencing League
Event armorer: Numerous events in SoCal, Orange Coast, San Bernardio, CenCal divisions / LAIFC RJCC / Norseca/USA pentathlon championships
Associate armorer: Numerous RYC/SYC events, pentathlon world cup, NAC/Summer Nationals